directions and phone number15 Main Street, P. O. Box 477, South Salem, NY 10590       914-875-9004 Our Hours

Afternoon Film: “Here”

Here is a 2024 film that details the events of a single plot of land and its inhabitants, spanning from the distant past to the 21st century. Told in a […]

Music Time with Robert the Guitar Guy

Ages birth to 3 years, with a caregiver. We've added a weekly music program! Come and experience the musical talent of Robert the Guitar Guy while you clap, march and […]


Intermediate Mahjong

Are you a mahjong player? A group of experienced players meets weekly Tuesdays at 1 pm at the Library. Their roster is currently full, but tends to open up in […]


Mahjong for Beginners

Have you always wanted to learn Mahjong? This 4-week session will meet on Tuesday evenings from March 4 - 25,  and will give you the basic skills to start playing. […]

Lewisboro Library Book Group: “Beloved”

The Lewisboro Library Book Group usually meets at the Library on the last Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. This month the group will be discussing the Pulitzer Prize-winning […]


Afternoon Writers Group

Are you an aspiring writer who would like to get feedback on your work? The Afternoon Writers Group meets every Thursday, from 2 to 4 pm, to discuss their work […]


Evening Mahjong: Mixed Level

Are you a mahjong player? This is a group of mixed level players that meets weekly Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm. This is NOT a drop-in program. We need to […]


Stitch Together

This casual, weekly gathering of those who knit/crochet and chat meets in the conference room during the winter, and outside on the Library patio when weather permits. Catch up on […]

“Learn Chess in 1 Day” for Families

This session is full, please email the library to be put on the wait list. This class is for beginner chess players, grades K-12 , and their adult caregivers if […]