Lewisboro Library Book Group

The Lewisboro Library Book Group (usually) meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The group does not meet in August or December. Books are available through the Westchester Library System. New members are always welcome in this adult, co-ed book group. For more information contact Myrna or Steve Shomstein at (914) 533-2550 or contact the Library at (914) 875-9004.
Senior Book Group at South Salem Firehouse
This book group (usually) meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 11 am. The Library will provide copies of the book to all participants. Large print copies and CD audio books are also available upon request. All seniors are welcome to participate. Please contact the Library if you need a copy of the book. The South Salem Firehouse is located at 1190 Route 35, South Salem, NY 10590.