directions and phone number15 Main Street, P. O. Box 477, South Salem, NY 10590       914-875-9004 Our Hours

Storytime & Nursery Rhymes

All ages. Meets in-person in the Children’s Room. Miss Marie is celebrating National Poetry Month by having nursery rhymes be the stars of this month’s storytimes! Registration is required for […]

Morning Poetry Crafts with Miss Marie

All ages. Meets in-person in the Children’s Room. Miss Marie is celebrating National Poetry Month with special craft workshops that have a poetry theme. Registration is required for these small […]

Afternoon Poetry Crafts with Miss Marie

All ages. Meets in-person in the Children’s Room. Miss Marie is celebrating National Poetry Month with special craft workshops that have a poetry theme. Registration is required for these small […]

Library Board Meeting

The monthly meeting of the Lewisboro Library Board of Trustees meets in person at the Library. Meetings are open to the public.

Storytime & Nursery Rhymes

All ages. Meets in-person in the Children’s Room. Miss Marie is celebrating National Poetry Month by having nursery rhymes be the stars of this month’s storytimes! Registration is required for […]

(Virtual) Stress Management for Busy Bodies

Via Zoom. This program will cover an introduction to acute and chronic stress, what happens inside your body when you experience stress and a layered approach to help your body […]


Teen Dungeons & Dragons

For Teens in Middle & High School Dungeons and Dragons is a fantasy role playing game. Players work collaboratively through a series of adventures, gathering treasure and experience points along […]