directions and phone number15 Main Street, P. O. Box 477, South Salem, NY 10590       914-875-9004 Our Hours

(Virtual) Halloween Ectoplasm

Via Facebook Live.  All ages. Add a little homemade ectoplasm to your Halloween celebrations! Make your own slime to rival that found in "Ghostbusters!"   Materials List: Clear glue Liquid starch or saline solution Green food dye      

Outdoor Family Storytime!

Mondays & Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. All ages. OK, we’re trying it! While the nice weather lasts, Family Storytime is moving outdoors! Starting on Wednesday, Sept. 23 – weather permitting --we’ll be moving our signature storytime outside to the Library’s spacious front lawn! Masks are mandatory, and each family will have their own socially-distanced spot. […]

(Virtual) Lewisboro Seniors Book Group

Via Zoom. This book group used to meet monthly during the Lewisboro Senior Adults meeting at the South Salem Firehouse. It has now moved to Zoom and all seniors are welcome! The book for the October 26 meeting is "The Red Lotus" by Chris Bohjalian. The Library will provide copies of the book to all […]

(Virtual) Miss Anna’s Virtual Read Aloud

Via Facebook Live. Every Tuesday & Thursday The Miseducation of Miss Anna continues. Harry Potter was just the tip of the iceberg!  There are a number of children's classics that Miss Anna has never read, that she will be experiencing for the first time as she reads aloud to you! Join Anna as she delves […]

(Virtual) Teen Advisory Group

Via Zoom. For Teens in Middle & High School. The Lewisboro Library Teen Advisory Group (or "TAG") helps plan special events for teens and younger children. Creative thinkers are especially needed to help develop engaging programs for our teens during this pandemic. Being part of TAG looks great on your college resume. To join TAG, […]

Outdoor Family Storytime!

Mondays & Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. All ages. OK, we’re trying it! While the nice weather lasts, Family Storytime is moving outdoors! Starting on Wednesday, Sept. 23 – weather permitting --we’ll be moving our signature storytime outside to the Library’s spacious front lawn! Masks are mandatory, and each family will have their own socially-distanced spot. […]

(Virtual) Introduction to Zoom

Via Zoom. Zoom is an online platform for video conferencing, chat and enjoying virtual programs. It has become very popular during the last few months as a way to meet up, learn a new skill and enjoy presentations online. The Library is utilizing Zoom for many of our adult programs. This how-to lesson will give […]

(Virtual) Halloween Origami!

Via Zoom. For adults and teens. Our Origami guru Vihan is back, with a special Halloween-themed Origami class! Learn the art of paper folding at this special holiday session. You can use your own paper, or stop by the Library for a packet of Halloween-color Origami paper. Please register below to receive your Zoom link, […]

(Virtual) Special Halloween Storytime

Via Facebook Live.  All ages. Tune in as Miss Anna shares some of her favorite Halloween stories. Grab your candy and put on your costume to show to all your Storytime friends!  

(Live/Virtual) Stitch Together

This casual, weekly gathering of those who knit/crochet - and chat - will meet outside, weather permitting but will move to Zoom if rainy or too cold. Catch up on people’s craft projects and what is going on in Town – and beyond. Bring a project, chair and a mask! Please register below to receive […]