directions and phone number15 Main Street, P. O. Box 477, South Salem, NY 10590       914-875-9004 Our Hours


Evening Mahjong: Mixed Level

Are you a mahjong player? This is a group of mixed level players that meets weekly Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm. This is NOT a drop-in program. We need to know the number of players to set up the room. Interested players should send an email to, with your name and level of experience.


Stitch Together

This casual, weekly gathering of those who knit/crochet and chat meets in the conference room during the winter, and outside on the Library patio when weather permits. Catch up on people’s craft projects and what is going on in Town – and beyond. Bring a project, and a chair when outside! If interested in being […]

Music Time with Robert the Guitar Guy

Ages birth to 3 years, with a caregiver. We’ve added a weekly music program! Come and experience the musical talent of Robert the Guitar Guy while you clap, march and dance along to the beat! An engaging musical experience for children to share with their caregiver. Please register below.


Intermediate Mahjong

Are you a mahjong player? A group of experienced players meets weekly Tuesdays at 1 pm at the Library. Their roster is currently full, but tends to open up in the winter months. Interested players should send an email to to be placed on the wait list.

CPR Workshop for Bystanders

Suitable for Adults & Teens ages 16 & over. Lewisboro Volunteer Ambulance Corps, in partnership with the Lewisboro Library, is leading this bystander CPR Workshop, a vital training opportunity designed to equip you with life-saving skills before professional help arrives. (This is not a multi-session course for CPR certification). Through hands-on training, you will master […]


Afternoon Writers Group

Are you an aspiring writer who would like to get feedback on your work? The Afternoon Writers Group meets every Thursday, from 2 to 4 pm, to discuss their work and share feedback with others. We currently have a few spots open in the group. If you are interested in joining, please email the Library […]


Evening Mahjong: Mixed Level

Are you a mahjong player? This is a group of mixed level players that meets weekly Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm. This is NOT a drop-in program. We need to know the number of players to set up the room. Interested players should send an email to, with your name and level of experience.


Stitch Together

This casual, weekly gathering of those who knit/crochet and chat meets in the conference room during the winter, and outside on the Library patio when weather permits. Catch up on people’s craft projects and what is going on in Town – and beyond. Bring a project, and a chair when outside! If interested in being […]

Afternoon Film Series: “Nickel Boys”

Our afternoon film series continues with a screening of Nickel Boys. Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Colson Whitehead, Nickel Boys chronicles the powerful friendship between two young African-American men. It was nominated for Best Motion Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay. Please register below.