directions and phone number15 Main Street, P. O. Box 477, South Salem, NY 10590       914-875-9004 Our Hours

Family Storytime

Ages Birth to Five with Caregiver Join Miss Marie in the children’s room for seasonal stories, music and more fun for infants and toddlers. No registration required.


Intermediate Mahjong

Are you a mahjong player? A group of experienced players meets weekly Tuesdays at 1 pm at the Library. Their roster is currently full, but tends to open up in the winter months. Interested players should send an email to [email protected] to be placed on the wait list.

Girls Who Code

For Students in Grades 3 through 6. Girls Who Code is a non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology. The club is a FREE after-school computer science program, facilitated by Children’s Librarian Marie Nania. Boys are welcome. The group will meet monthly on the first Wednesday. Students are encouraged to bring their […]

(Virtual) Successfully Navigating College Admissions in 2025

Via Zoom. For Families of High School Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen This program for parents and their high school teens is a detailed and strategic overview of what students should focus on for a successful college admissions process. We will discuss current college admissions trends, admissions strategies, the changing test-optional environment, the importance of researching […]

Family Storytime

Ages Birth to Five with Caregiver Join Miss Marie in the children’s room for seasonal stories, music and more fun for infants and toddlers. No registration required.

Community Crafters: Valentine Sweets & Treats

This program has been cancelled due to the weather forecast. Keep an eye out for our next session coming May 14! We have another great project for those who love to craft – and give back to others in our community! Crafters will make four “Crafty Clips” using washi tape, jewels and flowers. The clips […]


Afternoon Writers Group

Are you an aspiring writer who would like to get feedback on your work? The Afternoon Writers Group meets every Thursday, from 2 to 4 pm, to discuss their work and share feedback with others. We currently have a few spots open in the group. If you are interested in joining, please email the Library […]


Evening Mahjong: Mixed Level

Are you a mahjong player? This is a group of mixed level players that meets weekly Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm. This is NOT a drop-in program. We need to know the number of players to set up the room. Interested players should send an email to [email protected], with your name and level of experience.


Stitch Together

This casual, weekly gathering of those who knit/crochet and chat meets in the conference room during the winter, and outside on the Library patio when weather permits. Catch up on people’s craft projects and what is going on in Town – and beyond. Bring a project, and a chair when outside! If interested in being […]


PK Storytime & Craft

Ages 2 to 5 with caregiver. Ms. Marie is celebrating the season with special Stories, Music, & Crafts. No registration required.