Volunteers are important at the Library! Volunteers include people of a wide range of ages, from teens to parents, to young professionals and seniors.
Need to log some community service hours for school, church or synagogue, Scouts or another club, or resume for college? Get on the list to help out with shelving, mailings, special events, and whatever else comes up. Scheduling varies based on the project and availability of staff supervision. Individual longer-term special projects also may be arranged.

Volunteers are also needed for the Library’s Homebound Delivery Service to supply library materials directly to those unable to come to the Library on their own due to health or mobility problems. Drivers are needed to make deliveries and pickups on an as needed basis.
Many volunteers are needed for the Library Fair in the summer and fall months. Check the Library Fair page for more information.
Frequently Asked Volunteer Questions
How old do I have to be to volunteer at the Library?
You must be at least 12 years old to volunteer at the Library.
How do I get started volunteering?
Complete the online application below or apply in person at the Library.
How often do I need to volunteer and can I set my own volunteer schedule?
All volunteer service is performed on a flexible schedule during regular library hours during the week.
How do I keep track of when and how many hours I volunteer?
You will be expected to sign in and out every time you volunteer. Your orientation will include instructions for the process.
What happens if I get too busy and can’t volunteer anymore?
Be sure to tell the library staff if you are stopping your volunteer service.
Will you give me a reference and/or sign documents to verify to my (teacher, boss, parent, etc.) that I have volunteered?
We will sign documents or write a letter to verify your volunteer hours. References may be considered on an individual basis.
What kinds of things will I do as a Library volunteer?
Tasks vary by the age and ability of the volunteer. Tasks may include: shelving books, magazines, DVDs and other AV materials, book repair, looking for books and other items on request lists, sorting and organizing materials, processing books for surplus or Library book sales, and other tasks as requested. Driving and delivering materials to homebound Library patrons. Assisting with preparation, set-up and clean-up for Library programs. Helping at the Library Fair.
What else do I need to know about volunteering at the Library?
As a volunteer, you represent the Lewisboro Library and you are expected to behave in a professional manner at all times. A few guidelines include: always wear your volunteer badge and dress appropriately, do not use your cell phone (listening to music, texting, or talking) if you are working in public view, do not eat or drink, and refer Library patrons to the information desk whenever they ask a question.