The Lewisboro Library is incorporated as a library association, established as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. While recognized as the provider of public library service for the Town of Lewisboro, the Library receives only a portion of its annual operating budget from the Town. Each year the Library needs private donations to help fund the additional 30 percent not covered by the Town.
Your generosity enables the Library to continue to offer a wide range of borrowing materials, innovative programs, state-of-the-art technology, and a stellar staff, and to maintain the outstanding quality of our Library. Donations of all levels are most appreciated.
Donate to the Lewisboro Library
I would like to make a tax-deductible gift to the Lewisboro Library! The Library is a 501(c)(3) organization.
Gifts of Stock
The Lewisboro Library is pleased to accept gifts of appreciated stock, allowing the donor to make a substantial contribution while avoiding capital gains taxes. The donor may also receive an income tax charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the stock at the time of the gift. To ensure proper credit, please contact Library Director Cynthia Rubino for transmittal instructions – 914-875-9004.
Naming the Library in your Will
Many longtime Library users have kindly remembered the Library in their wills, in one of two ways:
- Specific Bequest: A specific bequest is a gift of a particular dollar amount or property. For example: I bequest (dollar amount or description of personal property) to The Lewisboro Library.
- Residuary Bequest: A residuary bequest is a gift of a percentage of the property remaining in your estate after debts, expenses and specific bequests have been paid. You control what percentage of your estate is given to an individual or charity. This method automatically adjusts the size of your bequest according to the value of your estate. In the event of unexpected changes in the size of your estate value, you can have peace of mind that your intentions will be fulfilled without the estate running out of assets to distribute. For example: I bequeath (___%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my property, both real and personal, to The Lewisboro Library.
Information for the Attorney Drafting your Bequest
The name and address of the Library is: The Lewisboro Library, PO Box 477, 15 Main Street, South Salem, NY 10590. Any questions may be directed to Library Director Cynthia Rubino at 914-875-9004.