The Library is a wonderful starting place for those seeking employment. Whether looking for a job in your current field or thinking about a career change, our Job Information Center has a number of books on resume writing, interviewing, and test preparation.
The internet is a great search tool for job seekers. You can post your resume, view job postings on commercial job boards, research industries and companies, apply directly to a company online, obtain job search advice, and network with peers in association discussion forums. To help with online research, we have five computer terminals available to the public, as well as a wireless network for those who prefer to bring their own laptops.
In addition to our resources, the Westchester Library System has a link on their website to the WLS Career Coaching Services. This service runs specialized programs with trained professionals to guide you in your career path. These 8-week development seminars help you evaluate your skills, learn how to use online career information, explore career alternatives, and find out about educational/training programs in Westchester. For more information and to register for these programs, call (914) 674-3612. To access the WLS website, go to www.westchesterlibraries.org.