directions and phone number15 Main Street, P. O. Box 477, South Salem, NY 10590       914-875-9004 Our Hours

Senior Seminars Day – All Day Event

It’s a day just for seniors! We have speakers lined up for two seminars in the morning and two in the afternoon, with a break for lunch and time to browse tables set up with information on services for seniors. Brought to you by the Lewisboro Library, Lewisboro Seniors and Westchester County DSPS Livable Communities. […]

Fantasy Writing

Grades K-5 - We love fantasy stories because the possibilities are endless! Using a few simple writing prompt, kids will start to their own fantasy epics in words or pictures.

Dragons Love Tacos – and Fruit

Grades K-5. Dragons aren’t the only ones who love tacos! Come make a candy taco, then cleanse thepalate with some dragon fruit salad!

Teen Cupcake Wars!

Postponed until July 29th at 7:00 pm. Grades 6 and Up.  Our own reality cupcake decorating competition returns. No baking required. Teams start with “naked cupcakes” and work together through three rounds of decorating. Each round has a theme and a choice of traditional and unusual toppings to design with. Prizes for most creative cupcake designs.

Save the Bees

Grades K-2 - Partnering with local Girl Scout Troop 2818, we'll learn about the important role bees play as pollinators of our food, the dangers threatening their habitat, and the ways we can help sustain their population.

Five-Year Anniversary: Wild Seed Bombs

All Ages & Their Families. We’re celebrating five years in our fantastic Children’s Room by…well, basically getting dirt and mud all over it! We’ll be making our own seed bombs with our friends from the Lewisboro Garden Club!

Demystifying Medicare & Healthcare Options for Seniors

Postponed until July 11th at 10:00 am - 1:00 pm A must for anyone trying to navigate their way through our complicated healthcare system for older adults. It will help those who already have Medicare, as well as people soon to be 65, planning their retirement, or assisting relatives and friends with their medical decisions. […]