How does Curbside Service work?
When you are notified that your hold has arrived at Lewisboro Library or you would like us to select items for you, contact the Library for contactless curbside pickup. You can call us at (914) 875-9004 or email us at with the date and time that is convenient for you. We will gather the items for you, check them out and place them on our curbside table with your name. You must have a valid library card to use this service. However, there is no need to show your library card when you pick up your item(s).
The curbside table is located in the vestibule on the Townhouse side of the Library. Underneath the table is a green bin for returns. There is also current information that we have for your use or enjoyment.
Our Curbside appointment hours are:
10:00 am to 6 pm
10:00 am to 6 pm
10:00 am to 6 pm
10:00 am to 6 pm
10:00 am to 5 pm
10:00 am to 4 pm
How can I get a library card?

Use the online form, email us at, call us at (914) 875-9004 or visit our library to obtain a free Lewisboro Library card. You must live, work, or pay taxes in the town of Lewisboro.
ID showing your current address is required or proof of employment within the Town of Lewisboro. Children under 16 must bring a parent or legal guardian. A new library card will be mailed to your home or issued for you while you are here.
Your Lewisboro Library Card is honored at all libraries within the Westchester Library System. You must present your library card or display your digital library card to check out any in library materials.
If you work in Lewisboro, but live in another Westchester community, you should obtain your library card from the community library where you live. A patron may only have one card in the Westchester Library System.
If live and work outside of Westchester, the Westchester Library System will provide you with full library service for $75 per year or $35 per year for those 65 and over. Access the application form and mail it to the Westchester Library System.
How old does my child need to be to get a library card?
Children of all ages are welcome to apply for a Lewisboro Library card.
I lost my library card. How do I get a new one?
Use the online form, email us at, call us at (914) 875-9004 or visit our library to obtain a replacement if your card is lost. Please provide ID showing your current address or proof of employment within the Town of Lewisboro. The replacement charge for a new card is $1.
My library card doesn’t work anymore. What should I do?
If your library card is no longer valid, it usually means you need to renew your card. Library cards are valid for three years after issuance or renewal. To renew your card, please call us at (914) 875-9004, email us at, stop in or use our online form.
If your library card is no longer in our database, we will ask that you register for a new card. Please be sure to provide identification showing your current address or proof of local employment.
What is my PIN?
By default, your PIN is the last 4 digits of the daytime phone number registered on your library card account.
How long can I borrow Library items and what is your renewal policy?
Book/CD Audiobook/ MP3/Playaway | 21 Days | Yes | Yes |
New Book | 14 Days | Yes | Yes |
Express Book | 14 Days | No | No |
DVD/Blu-Ray | 7 Days | Yes | Yes |
DVD Series | 14 Days | Yes | Yes |
Magazine | 7 Days | Yes | Yes |
Reference | 0 Days | No | No |
*If yes, the item may be renewed once if there is not a hold in the system.
How many DVDs/books can I borrow?
You can borrow up to 10 DVDs and 50 books.
Are new DVDs shelved separately?
No. All of our DVDs are shelved together.
What is the fine schedule?
Until a book is declared lost, 6 weeks after the due date, a maximum fine of $5.00 is enabled.
Item Type | Fine Schedule |
Book | $.20/day |
CD Audiobook/MP3/Playaway | $.20/day |
New Book | $.20/day |
Express Book | $.25/day |
DVD Series | $.50/day |
DVD/Blu-Ray | $.50/day |
Magazine | $.20/day |
Patrons with $25.00 or more in Outstanding Fines will be blocked from checking out any Library materials until the fees are below $25.00 again.
Items borrowed from other WLS libraries are subject to the renewals and fines of the checkout library.
How can I renew an item?
Materials can be renewed one time with the exception of Express Books and items on hold. Patrons can renew in person or by calling the Library at (914) 875-9004. Patrons can also renew 24/7 by accessing their account online at, by using the Westchester Library System (WLS) app, or by calling our automated renewal system at (914) 674-4169.
If you wish to check out the item again, and the item belongs to the Lewisboro Library, contact the circulation desk at (914) 875-9004 and we will see if that is possible.
Can I check books out from other libraries?
Lewisboro Library is a member of the Westchester Library System (WLS) cooperative. This membership allows you to have borrowing privileges at all 38 independent Westchester County Libraries.
To find items, you can search and place a hold through the Lewisboro Library catalog or the WLS mobile app. You will need your library card number and your PIN (the last 4 digits of your daytime telephone number on file).
You can also stop by or call the Lewisboro Library and a librarian will gladly place the hold for you. The librarian will need your library card number.
Lewisboro Library is your default pick-up location. When the item(s) requested are available, you will be notified via your preferred method (email or telephone). They will be held at the circulation desk for 8 days.
Items borrowed from other WLS libraries are subject to the renewals and fines of the checkout library.
If what you are seeking is not available through the Westchester Library System, print materials, microfiche and articles may be borrowed through WLS’s Interlibrary Loan Service.
Can I return items to another library other than Lewisboro Library?
Items borrowed through the Westchester Library System can be returned at any other library in the system.
Exceptions include:
- Interlibrary Loan materials
- Museum Passes
- Discovery Backpacks
- Fishing Poles
- Chromebooks
These materials must be returned at the circulation desk in the Lewisboro Library. They cannot be placed in the bookdrop.
How can I reserve books online and check my account?
The catalog allows you to view information about your account or to place a hold. Use the Lewisboro Library catalog from your computer or mobile device. On the go? Download the WLS Mobile App to check your account, search the WLS catalog, order materials, stay up to date on our library events and make your mobile device a digital library card.
When using either access method, you’ll be asked to enter your library card number and a personalized identification number (PIN). By default, your PIN is the last 4 digits of the daytime phone number registered on your library card account.
How long does it take to receive an item from another Westchester Library?
The amount of time it takes to receive an item from another WLS Library depends on whether the item is available or if there is a waiting list. Popular or new items often have waiting lists. You can view your current items on hold, your holds history and any holds awaiting pick-up by logging into the Lewisboro Library catalog, by using the WLS Mobile App or by contacting the Lewisboro Library at (914) 875-9004.
Is there a way to return borrowed items if the library is closed?
For your convenience, a book drop is located on the Post Office side of the Library building for books and media. It is open 24/7. Books placed in the book drop after closing will be backdated upon check-in to the last date the Lewisboro Library was open.
Please note that museum passes , fishing poles, Discovery Backpacks, Chromebooks and outside WLS Interlibrary Loans MUST be returned in-person during business hours at the circulation desk to prevent damage.
I lost or damaged library material that I had checked out. What should I do?
The Lewisboro Library policy is to accept the replacement cost for lost or damaged library materials. Please do not purchase a replacement copy. Most libraries within Westchester County share the same policy. Please contact Kathy Iglesias, Head of Circulation, to discuss any questions you have. Our number is (914) 875-9004.
I didn’t bring my library card. Do I need it?
We do require a library card for your protection. Several patrons within Westchester County have the same or similar names. We do not want to check out items to the wrong patron and have you be responsible! Please carry your card with you or download and link your card to the digital WLS Mobile App. Instructions are available by accessing WLS Mobile App link and in the Library.
Do you have computers I can use?
The Library has four desktop computers and a printer available for patron use. Computer time is 2 hours per patron. Please see our Public Computers and Printers page for more details about computer and printer use.
There are also many quiet work spaces available for those who prefer to bring their own laptop or tablet or checkout a Chromebook and access our free WiFi.
Do you have a copier I can use?

Yes, we have a public copier for letter-sized documents. The copier has the ability to make black-and-white or color printouts and copies as well as scan documents. The cost is $0.15 per page for black and white copies or $0.25 for color copies. Charges are to be paid at the circulation desk. You must pay for everything you copy whether you intended to copy it or not. Please see our Copying/Scanning page for more details about copying costs.
Can I print from my laptop?
Yes. Print jobs sent from home or within the library are sent to the public printer. They can be released from the computer located next to the printer. Print jobs will be held for 4 hours. The cost is $0.15 per page for black and white printouts or $0.25 for color printouts. Charges are to be paid at the circulation desk. You must pay for everything you print whether you intended to print it or not. Complete instructions can be found on our Mobile Printing page.
Do you have a fax?
No. The Lewisboro Library does not have a fax line.
Do you have book groups I might join?
Please visit the Adult Book Groups page to learn about two welcoming book groups for adults.
For young adults, we have Middle Reads! for grades 6 – 8. Please visit the Teen Book Groups page to learn more.
When is the Annual Library Fair?
The annual library fair is held on a Saturday in September at Onatru Farm Town Park located at 99 Elmwood Road in South Salem, NY. Please visit our Library Fair page for more information on dates, times, and events.
Do you accept book donations?
Our Gift Policy page has information regarding year-round donations. Please visit our Library Fair page for more information on Library Fair donations.
How do I volunteer at the Library?
Volunteers are important at the Library! Volunteers include people of a wide range of ages, from teens to parents, to young professionals and seniors. Please visit our Volunteer page for more information on how to volunteer at the Library.
Tweens and teens (grades 6 and up) are welcome to join the Teen Advisory Group (TAG). Please contact Jane Rothschild, our Teen Librarian, for additional information. She can be reached at (914) 875-9004, by email at, or by our Contact Us form.
Do I need to register for programs?
Please, if you plan on attending, let us know. You can register when you stop in, call us at (914) 875-9004, email us at, or register through our website.
Is there a fee for any of your programs?
All programs at the Library are free except for fundraisers and special classes.
Nightclub@LewisboroLibrary events are fundraisers. Please visit our Nightclub@LewisboroLibrary page for more information on upcoming Nightclub events and pricing.
At times, a speaker may charge a fee as they need to pass on the payment, such as the Defensive Driving Class given at the Library.
Do you accept credit cards?
We currently do not accept credit cards at the Library. However, you can use Online Bill Pay. Click here for access.
We do accept cash or check. If an item is lost and you are writing the check out to the owning library, please call (914) 875-9004 and we will be glad to give you the exact library name to write on the check.
Can I pay my fines online?
Online Bill Pay has been re-instituted through the Westchester Library System. Click here for access.