We are happy to offer several alternatives to help you find your next job.
WLS Career Coaching Services
WLS Career Coaching Services offers specialized programs with trained professionals in programs which are focused on helping adults in career transition, seeking work pre or post retirement, or recent college graduates determining their career direction at no cost.
Learn more about finding a job, interviewing techniques and training in the Look for a Job section in First Find. Special sections are available on exploring different careers, opportunities for young people and unemployment support.

Job and Career Accelerator
Job and Career Accelerator is a comprehensive, online job search system. Sign in using your email address and a password.

Career Center
Are you preparing for a professional exam? Are you curious about a particular occupation or looking to improve your workplace skills? The LearningExpress Career Center can help! Sign in using your email address and a password.

Job Information Center
The Lewisboro Library also offers a Job Information Center (JIC). This section of the Library is located in our teen area. The JIC has a comprehensive collection of materials designed for people who are exploring careers and seeking employment. Its specialized resources include civil service test preparation materials, career information items, and test preparation books. Materials are available to borrow pertaining to resume writing, job searching, writing cover letters, and job interview questions.

View more job & career resources from the Westchester Library System.
Need help? Please call 914-875-9004. We’re always glad to help!