The Lewisboro Library is pleased to offer to our patrons free and discount passes to select area and NYC museums.
How it Works
The Library has a limited number of passes available for each participating museum on a first-come, first-served basis. Passes are only available to adult (18 or above) Lewisboro Library patrons.
Museum passes are loaned out for up to FOUR DAYS and three nights. Pass kits must be returned to the circulation desk before closing on the due date.
Late fees of up to $10 per day, up to the full cost of the kit, will be imposed for every day a kit (or part of a kit) is late. Replacement cost is the full cost of the pass kit.
How to Reserve a Museum Pass
Please call the Library or stop in to reserve your museum pass. Passes must be picked up and returned to the Library circulation desk. Passes cannot be returned in the outside book drop.
Kid-Friendly Museums

American Museum of Natural History
Admits 1 voucher holder for general admission – 2 vouchers per family, available every six months
Online reservations required in advance on the museum’s website
Voucher is valid for 1 ticket to a special exhibition or show

Children’s Museum of Manhattan
Admits 2 adults and 2 children or 1 adult and 3 children – children under 18 require adult supervision
15% discount at the museum store
Reserve Timed Entry Tickets on the museum’s website using the number found on the pass

Danbury Railway Museum
This pass courtesy of
Kathleen and Joseph Gansert
Admits 6 people
to museum and railyard
$1 discount off admission
to special events

Discovery Science Center & Planetarium
Admits 4 children (under 18) – requires one paid adult admission

FDR Presidential Library
and Museum
Admits 1 family – up to 5 individuals
to Library and Museum ONLY
Completed form, available at Lewisboro Library, and ID required for admission

Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
Admits 2 adults and 2 children (under 18) – children under 4 are free
Patrons must also bring their library card to the museum
along with the pass

Katonah Museum of Art*
Admits 2 adults and all household children
Advance reservations requested
“Library Member” ticket option

Liberty Science Center
$3 discount for library cardholders only – No museum PASS required

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
Admits 4 adults or students
Children under the age of 12 are always free

Stamford Museum and Nature Center
Admits 2 adults of the same household and their children under the age of 18
Free parking and 50% discount on admission to family festival weekends

Stepping Stones Museum for Children
This pass courtesy of Kathleen and Joseph Gansert
Admits 1 free admission per 1 paid admission
3 free admissions MAX per party

Storm King Art Center
Admits 1 car with up to 6 people, limited to 1 vehicle per day – children under 5 are not counted toward the vehicle total